Donations will sponsor the tuition and school supplies for a child
Bairavi's father is a daily wage labourer but due to ill-health can't work regularly. The house they live in has a leaky roof and unhygienic surroundings. Even one meal a day is a distant dream for them. Through a medical camp conducted in the school, Bairavi was diagnosed as under-nourished and anemic. After regular intake of the nutritious and tasty mid-day meal with proteins, she started to gain strength. Unfortunately, a mid-day meal is the only good meal a poor child gets and this program helps a child with the basic right to a hot meal.
Subash is young boy from a poor tribal village in Orissa. His parents hardly earned and could not even afford the basic necessities of their family.They did not send Subash to school and there were days with no food on the table.The institute gives him education free of cost. They also provide three meals and a snack every day. You can gift these children meals and school supplies with a steady contribution.Your gift could give these children a shot at a different future, one filled with hope and possibility.
Sandeep lives in a village in Telangana. His father is a mason and his mother works as a roller in a beedi (tobacco) factory.He went to the local government school till Class 4. Sandeep was a bright kid and very good at sports.There was neither a playground nor a Physical Education Teacher to guide him.He was provided rigorous training and was encouraged to participate in District and State level competitions. Sandeep was put on a modified meal plan that included an egg a day and 2 glasses of milk to cater to the extra nutrition that he needed to pursue sports.
Naksha is from Chikamagaluru, Karnataka. She is visually impaired and lives with her mother, two brothers, and a sister. The family has an annual income of Rs.30,000. Her father passed away, making her older brother the sole bread-winner.They provided an opportunity for her by funding her higher education. You can also help poor differently abled students get opportunities that they deserve. You can donate so that they can get the education and aid with which they can build their independence.